Radar Echo Simulator from Digilogic Systems

The Radar Echo Simulator of Digilogic Systems can be described as one of the most modern and effective tools for radar testing. it is developed to provide for the requirements of the ultra-modern radar equipment it is essential to control and estimate it provides a unique possibility of versatile and realistic modeling of radar echo patterns under the different field conditions. With DRFM as the key component of the software system, the function of this simulator involves intercepting and replaying RF signals by down-converting the equivalent digital baseband for FPGA interfacing before up converting it to the desired RF frequency.

This sub-process empowers the articulation of radar targets and echoes with appropriate characteristics like the Range, Doppler, and Radar Cross Section (RCS). Moreover, there is the capability to simulate many targets, models of clutter, and features of the system’s ECM like jammer.

Digilogic Systems’ Radar Echo Simulator is a high-fidelity RF signal source that generates signals that replicate actual environment scenarios hence offering a comprehensive and accurate analysis of radar system behavior; thus, the Radar Echo Simulator is very valuable to the radar systems designers and developers.